Rajeshwari Vikram Balajiwale


Quick Summary

No. of ADR Cases:
LLB and LLM appeared
Services Offered:
Hindi, English, Marathi

Neutral Description

I am a practising lawyer since lastv19 years. I have worked with Legal aid in 2004 to 2006.I am majorly into litigation practice and hence well versed with the mediation process. I have also conducted mediation at my office.I always prefer filing pre- litigation with my District Legal Services Authority. Only those cases which stay unsolved even after pre litigation are filed in court. Even then I prepare parties for mediation. Hence I think with all the experience of solving cases by mediation and my belief in curbing litigation by mediation I am in a better position to work as neutrals.

Neutral Expertise

  • Banking
  • Business and Contract Disputes
  • Construction Litigation
  • Debtor/Creditor
  • Domestic Relations
  • Family Law
  • Insurance
  • Personal Injury and Product Liability
  • Intellectual Property
  • Workers Compensation


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